Apparently Coca Cola India is revamping its corporate strategy and trying to present itself as a more humane corporation (oxymoron hanh....) in the aftermath of the various controversies it has faced in the recent years (Plachimada water crisis, pesticides)...etc. etc.. Their new tagline reads ..."Little Drops of Joy" in English and "Boond Boond Khushi Khushi" (drop drop happiness happiness) in Hindi....
They have also come up with a new "MANIFESTO".... which definitely is one of the tackiest copies I have read in the recent times...this is what it says...(source:
A mighty ocean we’re not.But we are the little drops that make one.Because small things go a long way. At Coca-Cola India, we believe that there’s more to a little sip. It’s the moment of truth. A second of satisfaction. An instant of happiness. A bubble of hope. Because we don’t quench your thirst. We recharge your soul. For one moment. One drop at a time.
What are they selling...Holy Water? moment of truth...bubble of hope....Swami Ramdev's famous Toilet Cleaner" tag apart, the world knows carbonated soda is harmful to the last drop...yet the campaign I believe will have a positive impact...such is evil genius of marketing...
You can read here if you want more of an analysis of the campaign.....Or check out the new campaign ads at You Tube....