when you realise that you are dispensible for 99.9 per cent of the people who are dearer to you than your own life...
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Trust Indian men to show their class!!
Picture this, US city, the hustle bustle of a post work day crowd returning home. I was standing at a crossing waiting for the light to turn green, when a taxi came and stopped next to me. A sardarji was driving it. Really, really old, santa-claus-esque beard, must be 70 plus. He caught me off-guard, as even though there is no dearth of Indian/Paki drivers in the US, in this particular part of the country I am used to seeing only affluent Indians. I was lost in my thoughts and suddenly that MOTHERFUCKER made an obscene kiss gesture....
Instant disgust, loathing and anger...I should have reacted in some other way, but I just walked on.
I should have...
I have been in the US for long time now, there have been sporadic catcall incidents, but thankfully nothing beyond that...
Trust Indian men to leave thier villages/cities/country and family behind....but never their crassness, their inherent uncouth animal mentality!!
And trust Indian women to behave like I did...Do nothing then like a dumb fuck and keep regretting later....
Posted by
4:06 PM
Labels: Rants
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
That I am a glutton?
I wonder what it tells you about yourself, if one of your ideas of HEAVEN is a chineese or thai buffet!!
Posted by
8:34 AM
Labels: food
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
10 things I like about being newly married!!!!!!!!
1. The thrill that runs down my spine every time I use the phrase ‘my husband’ in a sentence. I hope that thrill never goes away, though I am sure the newness will!
2. Of course, the warmth and the fuzziness I feel when talking about the ‘husband’.
3. You are looking at your husband (:-)) and how suddenly it strikes you WHAT a journey it has been and WHAT a journey it promises to be further ahead!!
4. Becoming the part of a new family. Getting a new set of Mom and Dad! Missing your father-in-law’s call and listening to his recorded message. “Beta, this is Papa, call back, we are waiting for your call”!

5. The material signs of being married: the choora (see pic), the mangalsutra (though always hidden in work clothes), the wedding ring!
6. The feeling that you can’t stay away from your husband/keep your hands off each other a second more than absolutely necessary and vice versa. Here’s hoping that never changes too!! (Do I see marriage veterans smirk??)
7. How in the first year post marriage, every festival is a BIG CELEBRATION!! Here’s looking forward to Holi!
8. The way strangers/acquaintances/ go “awwwwwwwwww” when they find out you are a newly wed and the million questions that follow. I don’t know about other women, but surely makes me feel special!!
9. AaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH!! Having the entire neighborhood and extended family OFF YOUR BACK about getting married before it’s “too late”…Bloody doomsday prophets!!
10. And on that note, the contentment that stems not from the feeling of being FINALLY MARRIED but from the feeling of being HAPPILY MARRIED. The knowledge that you could not have been more loved and neither could you have loved anymore!! Bliss.
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!! Touchwood.
Posted by
12:16 PM
Labels: personal
Thursday, October 25, 2007
If women are meat, are men then dogs?
"If you take out uncovered meat and place it outside on the street, or in the garden or in the park, or in the backyard without a cover, and the cats come and eat it ... whose fault is it, the cats or the uncovered meat? The uncovered meat is the problem."
It is statements like the kinds issued by Australia’s senior most clerics that make me feel like picking up an AK-47 and shooting the hell out of all the men (my own similar minded male relatives included) who think on these lines.
If we women are to be continually blamed for being raped, can men at least have the decency to accept in public that they are dogs or cats or anything else but human? Coz you see us women have been living under this illusion for millennia that we co-exist with fellow HUMAN BEINGS…They might have a penis but they still belong to our species…
What would it take for men to understand ONCE and FOR ALL that NO WOMAN, NO WOMAN no matter how desperate she is EVER asks for being RAPED…
When we dress up, it is because we want to feel good about ourselves, yes may be to even attract a few of you who evince our interest…But not in the way that many of you half-wits morons would like to think…
All my life I have lived in places where it gets extremely hot in summers. I wear shorts and sleeveless tops to keep myself cool. I DON’T DO THAT because I want you to ogle at my legs…or pinch my bottom or whatever else it is that cats and dogs do whenever they see “exposed meat”.
I have a cousin sister, who is all grown up now but I will tell you of an incident she had to face when barely eleven. Returning from school, mind you wearing her school uniform, she was accosted by a guy who grabbed her breasts hard and drove away on his bike in a matter of seconds. My sister, who I know to be the most innocent souls ever (just in case someone out there is thinking she too asked for it), went into a SHOCK literally. When she came home she was inconsolable. She was ELEVEN…and she BLAMED herself, of course. After all, we are taught that we are meat, open to be pillaged by anyone….we MUST have done something..
She was in her uniform you fucking morons…she was a kid, she WASN’T meat. I COULD HAVE KILLED THAT BASTARD with my bare hands.
Just the other day, I was telling a guy friend that I do not know a single female friend, sister, aunt, acquaintance who at one time or another has not been subjected to some form of molestation ..
This is what I have always wondered, how is it that men go out and reduce women to boobs, ass, legs and humiliate them in every which way and then return home and face their mothers and sisters (who by the way also have boobs, ass, legs and before I forget a vagina.Grossed out now are ya?? oh come on!!!!!!)?
How do you guys do that?
Also, does this thought ever strike you for a moment that your mothers and sisters are subject to the same victimization every time they step out of the home?
Why does THAT make your blood boil?
Forget about dressing skimpily and swaying our hips, we are not safe even when we are fully clothed and out with family. You know why lots of men go to that infamous annual Trade Fair in New Delhi????? So that they can take advantage of the crowds and grab, push, pinch any part of a female’s body, who is unwillingly pushed against them. Don’t even bother asking me how I know that, you already know the answer…
If none of the above, that is a girl’s age, clothes, or even whether she is with her family, act as a deterrent, when will men (and many women, my grandma included) stop with this fucked up argument, “If you leave meat open, animals will attack it.”
To cut this never-ending story short, if I am forever going to be a target for molestation just by the virtue of my sex…can’t I at least have the freedom to dress/behave the way I want and when I want it????
Oh wait…no, I can’t…After all, I am just a chunk of meat….and a chunk of meat can’t ask for any “rights”…I am there for your pleasure…devour as you please..
Posted by
9:15 AM
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Coca Cola India at its tackiest best...
A mighty ocean we’re not.But we are the little drops that make one.Because small things go a long way. At Coca-Cola India, we believe that there’s more to a little sip. It’s the moment of truth. A second of satisfaction. An instant of happiness. A bubble of hope. Because we don’t quench your thirst. We recharge your soul. For one moment. One drop at a time.
What are they selling...Holy Water? moment of truth...bubble of hope....Swami Ramdev's famous Toilet Cleaner" tag apart, the world knows carbonated soda is harmful to the last drop...yet the campaign I believe will have a positive impact...such is evil genius of marketing...
Posted by
7:15 PM
Monday, June 18, 2007
Sick and tired of Islamic fanatics holding the world to ransom
The UK government’s decision to bestow knighthood upon Salman Rushdie has scores of Islamic fanatics around the world (noticeably in Iran and Pakistan right now) fuming in collective insanity…..yet again!
Both Pakistan and Iran have lodged strong protests with the UK government and have asked the latter to withdraw Rushdie’s knighthood. Pakistan’s Minister of Religious Affairs (puke) Ijaz-ul-Haq has gone to the extent of calling this an incitement to terrorism on the part of the UK government.
Predictably, effigies are being burnt, slogans are being chanted (Death to Britain, death to Rushdie) on the streets of Pakistan.
Give it a week and news of such incidents would start pouring in from India, Indonesia, Netherlands, far and wide, just like it happened during the Danish cartoon imbroglio.
What really takes the cake is the Pakistani minister justifying future acts of terrorism because of Rushdie being granted knighthood. This is yet another example of Islam-o-freaks threatening the world to fall in line with them or be ready to face the consequences. Their problem is they forget that there is a world beyond the Koran, Prophet Muhammed and Islam, at least for the rest of us. Not everyone in the world has the luxury of being unemployed and illiterate, therefore having the freedom of getting out on the steets protesting this or that/blowing up this or that. We have jobs, not to mention freedom of expression, which may be an alien concept in these societies, but is a way of life for us.
Our world is going a scarier place by the day, if their response to every thing that displeases them is threats of violence. Why is it that they have suddenly become the dictators of what is right/wrong, acceptable/unacceptable to the rest of the world?
Britain is an independent country. Now, if a free country wants to felicitate or punish an individual for their corresponding actions, it should be allowed to do so at free will. How does what the UK government do within its borders, make any difference what so ever to Pakistan and Iran? In fact, why should the latter two give any importance to Britain’s actions? Are they not then claiming Britain’s supremacy to them in the world order? Secondly, Britain’s constitution declares Christianity to be their state faith, with an established church. Given that as well, Britain is not expected to treat other religions at par. Islamic nations should know; they are the worst perpetrators of religious discrimination. In UAE for instance, people from other religions are not allowed to pray in public. Similarly in Afghanistan, historic Buddhist Baamiyan statues were destroyed by the Taliban. I don’t remember Buddhists of the world taking to streets or threatening to become suicide bombers. Would I be committing blasphemy by claiming that this is probably because Buddhism is a religion of peace, and has leaders like Dalai Lama and not the Shahi Imam of Delhi’s Jama Masjid.
A Google search will reveal recent news pieces about Hindus/Christians in Pakistan being threatened to convert to Islam or be killed. While the Babri masjid demolition in India made news around the world and the echoes are still heard, when Malaysia repeatedly bulldozes Hindu temples, no one even blinks.
Why is it that these people are not willing to accord respect to other faiths yet expect the same from the rest of us? Brute force, is what these Islam-o-fascists are becoming and increasingly dividing the world into two factions. Also, would it be too wrong to argue that they know their strength is in their numbers and their spread around the world, and they have now begun to exploit that? Either you are with them or you are against them!!
Given the growing trend of Islamic fanaticism within UK, it won’t be a surprise if the issue soon erupts within the country itself. I for one can only pray to Allah (J) that the UK government doesn’t bow to these bigoted minds!!
Posted by
12:42 PM