"If you take out uncovered meat and place it outside on the street, or in the garden or in the park, or in the backyard without a cover, and the cats come and eat it ... whose fault is it, the cats or the uncovered meat? The uncovered meat is the problem."
It is statements like the kinds issued by Australia’s senior most clerics that make me feel like picking up an AK-47 and shooting the hell out of all the men (my own similar minded male relatives included) who think on these lines.
If we women are to be continually blamed for being raped, can men at least have the decency to accept in public that they are dogs or cats or anything else but human? Coz you see us women have been living under this illusion for millennia that we co-exist with fellow HUMAN BEINGS…They might have a penis but they still belong to our species…
What would it take for men to understand ONCE and FOR ALL that NO WOMAN, NO WOMAN no matter how desperate she is EVER asks for being RAPED…
When we dress up, it is because we want to feel good about ourselves, yes may be to even attract a few of you who evince our interest…But not in the way that many of you half-wits morons would like to think…
All my life I have lived in places where it gets extremely hot in summers. I wear shorts and sleeveless tops to keep myself cool. I DON’T DO THAT because I want you to ogle at my legs…or pinch my bottom or whatever else it is that cats and dogs do whenever they see “exposed meat”.
I have a cousin sister, who is all grown up now but I will tell you of an incident she had to face when barely eleven. Returning from school, mind you wearing her school uniform, she was accosted by a guy who grabbed her breasts hard and drove away on his bike in a matter of seconds. My sister, who I know to be the most innocent souls ever (just in case someone out there is thinking she too asked for it), went into a SHOCK literally. When she came home she was inconsolable. She was ELEVEN…and she BLAMED herself, of course. After all, we are taught that we are meat, open to be pillaged by anyone….we MUST have done something..
She was in her uniform you fucking morons…she was a kid, she WASN’T meat. I COULD HAVE KILLED THAT BASTARD with my bare hands.
Just the other day, I was telling a guy friend that I do not know a single female friend, sister, aunt, acquaintance who at one time or another has not been subjected to some form of molestation ..
This is what I have always wondered, how is it that men go out and reduce women to boobs, ass, legs and humiliate them in every which way and then return home and face their mothers and sisters (who by the way also have boobs, ass, legs and before I forget a vagina.Grossed out now are ya?? oh come on!!!!!!)?
How do you guys do that?
Also, does this thought ever strike you for a moment that your mothers and sisters are subject to the same victimization every time they step out of the home?
Why does THAT make your blood boil?
Forget about dressing skimpily and swaying our hips, we are not safe even when we are fully clothed and out with family. You know why lots of men go to that infamous annual Trade Fair in New Delhi????? So that they can take advantage of the crowds and grab, push, pinch any part of a female’s body, who is unwillingly pushed against them. Don’t even bother asking me how I know that, you already know the answer…
If none of the above, that is a girl’s age, clothes, or even whether she is with her family, act as a deterrent, when will men (and many women, my grandma included) stop with this fucked up argument, “If you leave meat open, animals will attack it.”
To cut this never-ending story short, if I am forever going to be a target for molestation just by the virtue of my sex…can’t I at least have the freedom to dress/behave the way I want and when I want it????
Oh wait…no, I can’t…After all, I am just a chunk of meat….and a chunk of meat can’t ask for any “rights”…I am there for your pleasure…devour as you please..
Thursday, October 25, 2007
If women are meat, are men then dogs?
Posted by
9:15 AM
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I empathize with your sentiments Madhu and I really think that that Australian chap should stop ranting about meat.
I read your post and it moved me. I wish our countrymen learn something from education and respect the opposite sex. i know that a good chunk of them are perverts but a small portion of junta is still decent male crowd.
I am not an expert on the topic of rape, but I firmly believe that education and openess in society can put some check on it. even husbands literally rape their wives, so it is really tough to quantify.
On the whole, your article makes me wonder whether humans (male) are the worst of the lot.
And to put things in perspective, leave the meat open and if the cat or dog is already full it would just probably ignore it.
Would men do the same? I think we all know the answer to this :(
When the brains are located in the dick, women and meat sound and taste all the same... And dont tell me that not all men are like that. I agree not all men are like that, most aren't, but this isn't a statistical analysis where you calculate the chance and the bias and the probability. This is real life.
Yes, this indeed is real life. And it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that force begets force. I just ask one question, which is also a request, how many girls who know that they are unsafe, ever think about self-defense? If so many guys are crazy about working out in a gym, why aren't we looking at gals doing the same in a martial arts class? Yes, again the paternal society would not give these gals too much of a chance. But to break one's shackles is a personal onus.
Yes, I know big words come out of this small mouth which is of the very gender you are so angst about, and rightly so. But there are demons out there. And that is real life. So do not hesitate to hack at one, in whatever means possible. Not an insider's secret anymore, it hurts a man the most at the exact point that we so worry about...his dick. Do remember.
@ sunshine
real life is far too complex and no one can apply statistics to it. I am not trying to get some soft corner for the male gender here by adding that "all men are not like that". It is like an analogy of one bad apple ruining a bushel.
Valid points , but I think sunshine may want us men to park our d!cks in this gym permanently than suggest self defence.
I still stand by my thought that the world is full of vicious and sex hungry people - yes that includes men and women. its just that some men choose to be violent about it and put others to shame (sigh)
Whats your say when females turn into sluts and mess up the lives of decent men...... Its an instinct to crave for sexual desire ... its only the magnitude of the crave that distinguishes between normal humans and sexmaniacs.... and shouldnt be concluded on a per gender basis.... do men call themselves tampoons when betrayed by a female for they are use d and thrown away..... none the less any kind of sexual atrocity on any human is fully condemned by me....
wow swan
you really put things into perspective here.
i have to give it to you for bringing out the emotional rape which men have to endure from their women counterpart.
you said it well. men just choose to be physical about it.
hey, this is only the one side of coin....
@ Vivek
thanks for your multiple comments..I appreciate your time. Though i completely disagree with you on swan's senseless argument
@ sunshine
this is indeed real life, a power struggle. I think it all boils down to a man will rape/molest/tease just because they think they can
@ deep
that is my primary argument, if i am supposed to always be on my guard against men, take martial classes etc...I want men to drop the fake garb of being civil, being human
@ SWAN...
your comment only makes me laugh and wonder what tragedy/emotional trauma have you been through?
Does anybody "force" these men to go to sluts and as you say ruin their lives..Do women accost men on a deserted street and try to force themselves on men?
sure you can call yourself a "tampoon" if you want to, just be sure of whether your comments are even relevant
@ anonymous
care to show me the second side of the coin?
Your profile looks very interesting. How can you doing a lot of things at one time.
Hi.. some clicking got me here while researching for my short film that dwells on the impact of education on perversion.
None of the discussion seems paint the larger picture... and no i am not here to paint one.. too big a picture that.
Somewhere in my heart, i believe that lynching such perverts in public will drill the message into many heads... but i know also know.. somewhere.. that it is not the final front-ear.
A well written outburst and yes - i agree this is a big problem... the roots lie elsewhere though.
Good blog.
...and yeah.. Prashant Sakare's question. THAT's meat :-)
Fuckwits are everywhere. If you can't ignore them or avoid them, shoot them in the balls.
Which are usually between their ears.
I Wish I had something to even try and explain such behavior.. all I can say is its not a good thing thats happening..
Most Indian men are assholes. Sad but true. And the worst part is that I dont think outlooks are changing much either.
Hi Madhu.
A quick introduction. I am sunaina working at Breakthrough, Delhi. we'r an ngo working on the issue of domestic violence.
This post is most interestingly written and very sensitively deals with womens issues And you have managed to put the issue in focus quite well//What comes through is the concern/sensitivity you have exhibited for this issue.// Well, I work on a youth oriented site called www.bellbajao.org and would love for you to blog on it. Posts like this one, which bring to the fore discussions and debates carrying on in the social media world around sensitive topics like Domestic Violence. This we do, on the Bell Bajao site as well, where we have a category called "Social Media Buzz" which houses blogs highlighting conversations from social networking sites, blogs and other websites.
Please visit the site and do write back to me at sunaina.bhakhri@gmail.co about your thoughts on the campaign.And if you're interested, do blog on the site as well. And if you're a regular blogger, we'd be happy to put you on our blogroll and crosslink your blog page on our site.
Thanks and hoping to hear from you,
Sunaina Bhakhri
I was married to a "man" for over 30 years. When we were in the kitchen he frequently pinched my boobs. I was appauled at such sexual behavior. I spoke to my husband about his father's behavior and suggested he speak to him. Did he? No, never. So, I decided that from that day on I would never be in his presence without another individual present. That worked, because it never happened again. As women, we should not have to go through life constantly looking around to avoid such practices. Happy ending to story. Husband treated me the same way. I divorced him. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Father in law died 5 years before mother in law died. My husband made an interesting comment when his mother died. He said, " welll at least she had 5 years of peace". He could see what his mother had gone through, but could not acknowledge that he was doing the same thing to me. I have already had my 5 years and looking forward to many more peaceful years. I no longer accept this kind of behavior from anyone. If I even get a thought of someone doing this, I tell them that if they do it, I am going to shove their hands into a body orifice that has never seen sunshine. Sound tought, yes perhaps. I am simply too old to be used, manipulated and guilt tripped for someone else's pleasure.
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