Thursday, January 4, 2007

is it just me who finds the Saddam Hussein videos unnerving?

Seriously, what is the world coming to? The videos of Sadam Hussein's execution were on You Tube in less than 24 hours. What would news channels have not given to be present there?

Yet another example of how the role of the mainstream media is being superceded by ordinary individuals all over the world. What this trend says about our increasingly voyeuristic world is another story...

Isn't this the first execution of a war criminal/nation head/international figure/ call him what you may....shot on amateur video? Are there any other examples of something of this sort?

Yet, I can vouch that a huge percentage of us were scrounging YouTube or random video websites, expecting or knowing in a way that someway, somehow a video would land on the fact, it would have surprised us had we not found anything....long live the internet???

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