Friday, January 12, 2007

Now, they are talking about lynching this guy

So, the guy does stand up comedy and uses the Mahatma as his prop....I say what a BLOODY FANTASTIC idea....

The fact that his delivery isn't as brilliant is the least of his woes....suddenly he is the talk of the town with people talking about taking defamatory action against him...

US based stand-up comedian Gautham Prasad might find himself in the middle of a blazing controversy with crazy, unemployed Indians taking to the streets in Orissa protesting against the Gandhi videos he put on YouTube...and the grandson of Gandhi, Tushar Gandhi asking for legal action to be taken against him....In the process, they will give him more publicty than he would have ever got in his entire career, if the damned video is any indication!!

Though I find the video ABSOLUTELY HORRENDOUS...its soooooooooo flat, I would still support Prasad's right to express (I don't know what else to call it)....

As Indians we REALLY NEED TO lighten up....Gandhi ain't God you people...sure we revere him, but then why expect the rest of the world to do that...

Really back off, go to work or find work if you don't have any...Messrs kalinga sena in bhubhneshwar, Orissa

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